Source code for torchdrug.layers.geometry.graph

import math

import torch
from torch import nn

from torchdrug import core, data
from torchdrug.layers import functional
from torchdrug.core import Registry as R

[docs]@R.register("layers.GraphConstruction") class GraphConstruction(nn.Module, core.Configurable): """ Construct a new graph from an existing graph. See `torchdrug.layers.geometry` for a full list of available node and edge layers. Parameters: node_layers (list of nn.Module, optional): modules to construct nodes of the new graph edge_layers (list of nn.Module, optional): modules to construct edges of the new graph edge_feature (str, optional): edge features in the new graph. Available features are ``residue_type``, ``gearnet``. 1. For ``residue_type``, the feature of the edge :math:`e_{ij}` between residue :math:`i` and residue :math:`j` is the concatenation ``[residue_type(i), residue_type(j)]``. 2. For ``gearnet``, the feature of the edge :math:`e_{ij}` between residue :math:`i` and residue :math:`j` is the concatenation ``[residue_type(i), residue_type(j), edge_type(e_ij), sequential_distance(i,j), spatial_distance(i,j)]``. .. note:: You may customize your own edge features by inheriting this class and define a member function for your features. Use ``edge_feature="my_feature"`` to call the following feature function. .. code:: python def edge_my_feature(self, graph, edge_list, num_relation): ... return feature # the first dimension must be ``graph.num_edge`` """ max_seq_dist = 10 def __init__(self, node_layers=None, edge_layers=None, edge_feature="residue_type"): super(GraphConstruction, self).__init__() if node_layers is None: self.node_layers = nn.ModuleList() else: self.node_layers = nn.ModuleList(node_layers) if edge_layers is None: edge_layers = nn.ModuleList() else: edge_layers = nn.ModuleList(edge_layers) self.edge_layers = edge_layers self.edge_feature = edge_feature def edge_residue_type(self, graph, edge_list, num_relation): node_in, node_out, _ = edge_list.t() residue_in, residue_out = graph.atom2residue[node_in], graph.atom2residue[node_out] in_residue_type = graph.residue_type[residue_in] out_residue_type = graph.residue_type[residue_out] return[ functional.one_hot(in_residue_type, len(data.Protein.residue2id)), functional.one_hot(out_residue_type, len(data.Protein.residue2id)) ], dim=-1) def edge_gearnet(self, graph, edge_list, num_relation): node_in, node_out, r = edge_list.t() residue_in, residue_out = graph.atom2residue[node_in], graph.atom2residue[node_out] in_residue_type = graph.residue_type[residue_in] out_residue_type = graph.residue_type[residue_out] sequential_dist = torch.abs(residue_in - residue_out) spatial_dist = (graph.node_position[node_in] - graph.node_position[node_out]).norm(dim=-1) return[ functional.one_hot(in_residue_type, len(data.Protein.residue2id)), functional.one_hot(out_residue_type, len(data.Protein.residue2id)), functional.one_hot(r, num_relation), functional.one_hot(sequential_dist.clamp(max=self.max_seq_dist), self.max_seq_dist + 1), spatial_dist.unsqueeze(-1) ], dim=-1) def apply_node_layer(self, graph): for layer in self.node_layers: graph = layer(graph) return graph def apply_edge_layer(self, graph): if not self.edge_layers: return graph edge_list = [] num_edges = [] num_relations = [] for layer in self.edge_layers: edges, num_relation = layer(graph) edge_list.append(edges) num_edges.append(len(edges)) num_relations.append(num_relation) edge_list = num_edges = torch.tensor(num_edges, device=graph.device) num_relations = torch.tensor(num_relations, device=graph.device) num_relation = num_relations.sum() offsets = (num_relations.cumsum(0) - num_relations).repeat_interleave(num_edges) edge_list[:, 2] += offsets # reorder edges into a valid PackedGraph node_in = edge_list[:, 0] edge2graph = graph.node2graph[node_in] order = edge2graph.argsort() edge_list = edge_list[order] num_edges = edge2graph.bincount(minlength=graph.batch_size) offsets = (graph.num_cum_nodes - graph.num_nodes).repeat_interleave(num_edges) if hasattr(self, "edge_%s" % self.edge_feature): edge_feature = getattr(self, "edge_%s" % self.edge_feature)(graph, edge_list, num_relation) elif self.edge_feature is None: edge_feature = None else: raise ValueError("Unknown edge feature `%s`" % self.edge_feature) data_dict, meta_dict = graph.data_by_meta(include=( "node", "residue", "node reference", "residue reference", "graph" )) if isinstance(graph, data.PackedProtein): data_dict["num_residues"] = graph.num_residues if isinstance(graph, data.PackedMolecule): data_dict["bond_type"] = torch.zeros_like(edge_list[:, 2]) return type(graph)(edge_list, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, num_edges=num_edges, num_relation=num_relation, view=graph.view, offsets=offsets, edge_feature=edge_feature, meta_dict=meta_dict, **data_dict)
[docs] def forward(self, graph): """ Generate a new graph based on the input graph and pre-defined node and edge layers. Parameters: graph (Graph): :math:`n` graph(s) Returns: graph (Graph): new graph(s) """ graph = self.apply_node_layer(graph) graph = self.apply_edge_layer(graph) return graph
[docs]@R.register("layers.SpatialLineGraph") class SpatialLineGraph(nn.Module, core.Configurable): """ Spatial line graph construction module from `Protein Representation Learning by Geometric Structure Pretraining`_. .. _Protein Representation Learning by Geometric Structure Pretraining: Parameters: num_angle_bin (int, optional): number of bins to discretize angles between edges """ def __init__(self, num_angle_bin=8): super(SpatialLineGraph, self).__init__() self.num_angle_bin = num_angle_bin
[docs] def forward(self, graph): """ Generate the spatial line graph of the input graph. The edge types are decided by the angles between two adjacent edges in the input graph. Parameters: graph (PackedGraph): :math:`n` graph(s) Returns: graph (PackedGraph): the spatial line graph """ line_graph = graph.line_graph() node_in, node_out = graph.edge_list[:, :2].t() edge_in, edge_out = line_graph.edge_list.t() # compute the angle ijk node_i = node_out[edge_out] node_j = node_in[edge_out] node_k = node_in[edge_in] vector1 = graph.node_position[node_i] - graph.node_position[node_j] vector2 = graph.node_position[node_k] - graph.node_position[node_j] x = (vector1 * vector2).sum(dim=-1) y = torch.cross(vector1, vector2).norm(dim=-1) angle = torch.atan2(y, x) relation = (angle / math.pi * self.num_angle_bin).long().clamp(max=self.num_angle_bin - 1) edge_list =[line_graph.edge_list, relation.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1) return type(line_graph)(edge_list, num_nodes=line_graph.num_nodes, offsets=line_graph._offsets, num_edges=line_graph.num_edges, num_relation=self.num_angle_bin, meta_dict=line_graph.meta_dict, **line_graph.data_dict)