
Machine Learning II: Deep Learning and Applications


Course Objectives

  • Understand machine learning basics
  • Understand deep learning basics such as feedforward neural networks, convolutional neural networks, and recurrent neural networks
  • Know several advanced topics in deep learning, including applications in natural language understanding, graph representation learning, recommender systems, and deep generative models
  • Learn to use PyTorch for applying deep learning techniques to solve real-world problems


  • Linear algebra
  • Python programming language
  • One of following courses
    • Machine Learning I: Large-scale machine learning and decision making
    • Data Mining


Due to the pandemic, the final exam and the poster presentation are cancelled.

  • Homework: 20% 60% = 3 * 20%
  • Presentations: 10%
  • Projects: 30% = proposal 5% + poster 10% + report 25%
  • Final Exam: 30%
